Unit 4: Administrative Operations
Administrative Operations

Section 3. Liability Protection

Required Insurance

Clinics need the insurance listed below. Some clinics also purchase commercial auto liability to cover employees using their personal vehicles for clinic business or event coverage to cover special fundraisers, health fairs, and other such events.

Obtain property and liability coverage on the building and grounds of the clinic. Just as with a homeowner’s policy, this insurance covers the building, contents, and any improvements against hazards (e.g., fire, flood, wind damage, theft). Liability coverage is needed to protect the clinic against non-malpractice claims by employees, patients, or other visitors. This is general liability coverage as opposed to professional liability coverage.

When choosing a malpractice policy, you will need to decide between a claims-made policy and an occurrence policy, and you will also need to determine the limits of coverage you need. Numerous companies provide such coverage, including Safeco, CNA, AIG Insurance Group, Fireman's Fund, and others. The clinic may provide malpractice insurance as a benefit to employees or may require employees to purchase their own. The size and complexity of the clinic and practice will influence these decisions, so discuss your needs with a representative of the company you choose.

Workers' Compensation requirements vary somewhat by state, so check local regulations when obtaining this coverage. Work-related musculoskeletal disorders, sharps injuries, and other job-related injuries and illnesses make this coverage a priority.

While not insurance per se, bonding of certain employees may be considered. A safety net dental clinic can generate large amounts of revenues. Bonding (including criminal background checks) of employees who have access to the clinic's finances helps to protect the clinic against theft and embezzlement.

This insurance covers against claims of wrongful termination and other employment-related matters. It is offered by many of the same companies that provide malpractice insurance.

This insurance covers the members of the board of directors and other clinic executives while working in their official capacities.